

Monday, June 29, 2020

Brown County Crime Statistics 2018-2019

Brown County Crime Statistics - 2018 through 2019

We hear many different opinions on whether crime has increased or decreased in the area of Green Bay and Brown County overall. Below are the numbers that have been tracked by the Wisconsin Department of Justice. We chose to do a 5 year range from 2015-2019 to show true data and numbers. 

What you will find below is the numbers by police department and type of crime. This data includes: Violent Crimes, Property Crimes, Society Crimes, Drug Crimes, and Other Crimes not categorized for each year from 2015-2019. The data includes crimes committed both by adults and juveniles (Click link to view these details).

The article below only differentiates between 2018 and 2019 data. The link within it shows all 5 years.

All data has been collected from the Wisconsin Department of Justice website.

We did a comparison between the 2018 and 2019 reported numbers to determine if crime has increased or decreased.

Below you will find a listing of the types of crimes reported. We took the 2018 and 2019 data for comparison.

Violent Crimes

Aggravated Assault: 2018 total 245; 2019 Total 298. Increase of 53 cases.
Homicide: 2018 total 1; 2019 total 5. Increase of 4 cases.
Murder & Negligent Manslaughter: 2018 total 1; 2019 total 2. Increase of 1 case.
Rape: 2018 total 47; 2019 total 41. Decrease in 6 cases.
Robbery: 2018 total 38; 2019 total 37. Decrease in 1 case.

2018-2019 Differences in Crime Rates

Property Crimes
Arson: 2018 total 2; 2019 total 10, Increase of 8 cases.
Burglary: 2018 total 57; 2019 total 54. Decrease of 3 cases.
Embezzlement: 2018 total 29; 2019 total 22. Decrease of 7 cases.
Forgery & Counterfeiting: 2018 total 25; 2019 total 22. Decrease of 3 cases.
Fraude: 2018 total 100; 2019 total 105. Increase of 5 cases
Larceny Theft: 2018 total 1,072; 2019 total 1,040 cases. Decrease of 32 cases.
Motor Vehicle Theft: 2018 total 44; 2019 total 35. Decrease of 9 cases.
Stolen Property: 2018 total 44; 2019 total 31. Decrease of 13 cases.
Vandalism: 2018 total 274; 2019 total 274. No change in number of cases.

Society Crimes
Curfew / Loitering: 2018 total 142; 2019 total 104. Decrease of 38 cases.
Disorderly Conduct: 2018 total 1,091; 2019 total 1,117. Increase of 26 cases..
Driving Under the Influence: 2018 total 949; 2019 total 792. Decrease of 157 cases.
Liquor Laws: 2018 total 388; 2019 total 465. Increase of 77 cases.
Prostitution & Commercialized Vice: 2018 total 22; 2019 total 22. No change.
Sex Offenses: 2018 total 56; 2019 total 59. Increase of 3 cases.
Vagrancy Violations: 2018 total 30; 2019 total 25. Decrease of 5 cases.
Weapons: 2018 total 55; 2019 total 87. Increase of 32 cases.

Drug Crimes
Drug Sale - Opium or Cocaine: 2018 total 7; 2019 total 4. Decrease of 3 cases.
Drug Sale - Marijuana: 2018 total 24; 2019 total 11. Decrease of 13.
Drug Sale - Synthetic: 2018 total 0; 2019 total 4. Increase of 4.
Drug Sale - Other Dangerous: 2018 total 5; 2019 total 9. Increase of 4.
Drug Possession - Opium or Cocaine: 2018 total 153; 2019 total 143. Decrease of 10.
Drug Possession - Marijuana: 2018 total 880; 2019 total 678. Decrease of 202.
Drug Possession - Synthetic: 2018 total 23; 2019 total 18. Decrease of 5.
Drug Possession - Other Dangerous: 2018 total 175; 2019 total 192. Increase of 17.
Drug - Unknown: 2018 total 47; 2019 total 60. Increase of 13.

All Other Crimes
All Other Offenses: 2018 total 3,309; 2019 total 3,436. Increase of 127.
Manslaughter by Negligence: 2018 total 0; 2019 total 1. Increase of 1.
Offenses Against Families & Children: 2018 total 37; 2019 total 17. Decrease of 20.
Simple Assault: 2018 total 858; 2019 total 842. Decrease of 16.
Human Trafficking - Commercial Sex Acts: 2019 = 2. No prior year's data.

To view data from 2015 to 2019, click here. This will download & open an Excel File. Each year of data is listed at the bottom.

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